Margarita Acosta – Bio to come
Karen Weilacher – Bio to come

Henrik A. Norberg – Hendrik, a current Stronghold Retreat resident, is passionate about fostering a collaborative and participatory community. Hendrik’s practice background includes TMI, Japanese Tendai tradition, and the Theravada Thai Forest tradition. He has been a member of the Vulture Peak Teacher Training cohort for the past three years. Henrik brings extensive experience in program and project management through his previous career as a software architect.

Paulin Elley – Paulin has been a member of the Bodhgaya Teacher Training cohort for the past three years. He has spent considerable time at the retreat center in Cochise Stronghold and has made significant contributions to the community through his work upgrading Dharma Treasure’s online presence, archiving audio recordings and documents, and researching various themes in the Pali canon. In addition to TMI, his background also includes the Theravada tradition.

Salina Diiorio – Salina has been participating in the Teacher Training program as a member of the Bodhgaya cohort for the past three years. As a former management consultant specializing in organization development, strategic planning, and performance management she has helped nonprofit, government, and corporate clients define and meet their strategic goals. Her practice background includes TMI, the Theravada Thai Forest tradition, and Shinzen Young’s Unified Mindfulness approach.
Salina has also recently taken over the Interim Executive Director role from Blake Barton. Originally from the East Coast, she has relocated to Cochise Stronghold and is now the second staff member in residence at the retreat center.
Dharma Treasure is committed to having a Board of Directors that reflects the diversity within the larger Sangha. To that end, several vacant seats on the Board are reserved for female candidates. If you or anyone you know may be interested in serving, please email