Dharma Treasure offers a variety of on site and online programs to serve our local and extended Sangha. Check back frequently to see what’s new, or sign up for our newsletter for updates.
Ongoing Events
Open Community Meditation Sessions and Dharma Talks
Members of our community are welcome to come to our open meditation sessions and Dharma talks. These take place weekly unless there is a workshop scheduled or group retreat in progress. These sessions are always free to attend. We do accept dana contributions to help support our center and our teachers.
We are now offering our weekly meditation and Dharma talks online on Sundays at 10:00 am AZ time. Please sign up here to receive a conference link to join us.
Upcoming Events
Sunday Dharma Discussion: Guest Teacher David Leonard
When: Sunday, September 6 at 10:00 am MST (What time is that for me?)
Where: Get the link here
Join us this Sunday at10:00 am MST for a a special Dharma discussion with guest teacher, David Leonard! David has practiced and taught meditation for over 50 years, after receiving teacher training in Sri Lanka where he was a monk for three and a half years. His teacher, Venerable Sumatipala Nayaka Thera, was a highly esteemed student of The Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma. He trained under Venerable Nanaponika Thera in the canonical and philosophical aspects of Buddhism, and received meditation teacher training under his teacher and Venerable Pemasiri. David has done over eight years of deep retreat, and maintains an extensive daily practice. His intuitive approach to practice is uniquely suited to western minds, and he has been influential in the training of some well known western teachers.
Sign up here to receive the video conference information.
GROUP RETREAT – Using Wisdom to Open the Heart with Arinna Weisman (sponsored by the Tucson Community Meditation Center)
DATES: This retreat has been moved to an online format – see here for more info
LOCATION: Dharma Treasure Retreat Center
812.760.3759 OR
We have the special possibility this weekend as community to support each other to awaken in love, wisdom and the other qualities of the heart that dissolve our doubt and confusion. By walking the Buddha’s path together we give and receive the greatest of blessings: spiritual friendship.
This residential retreat will be held in the container of silence with a time for group inquiry and individual interviews each day. There will be guided meditations in mindfulness and loving kindness, and dharma talks.
As a gathering, we will be supported to become conscious of the diversity in the room as well as the larger communities of which we are a part.
TEACHER: Arinna Weisman has studied Insight Meditation since 1979 and has been teaching since 1989. She teaches in the lineage of the Great Burmese master U Bha Khin and was empowered to teach by Ruth Denison. Arinna is the guiding teacher of Dhamma Dena in Joshua Tree, CA and co-author of A Beginner’s Guide to Insight Meditation. Her dharma practice and teaching is infused with her political and environmental activism, and her passion is building multicultural sanghas. More info: