retreat center arizona high-desert meditation TMI The Mind Illuminated

Sunday Dharma Discussion: Guest Teacher David Leonard

Join us this Sunday at 10:00 am MST (What time is that for me?) for a special Dharma discussion with guest teacher, David Leonard! David has practiced and taught meditation for over 50 years, after receiving teacher training in Sri Lanka where he was a monk for three and a half years. His teacher, Venerable Sumatipala Nayaka Thera, was a highly esteemed student of The Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma. He trained under Venerable Nanaponika Thera in the canonical and philosophical aspects of Buddhism, and received meditation teacher training under his teacher and Venerable Pemasiri. David has done over eight years of deep retreat, and maintains an extensive daily practice. His intuitive approach to practice is uniquely suited to western minds, and he has been influential in the training of some well known western teachers.

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