This silent meditation retreat offers extensive opportunity to deepen your practice and receive the blessing of a living meditation master, Upasaka Culadasa. The days will include sitting and walking meditation, as well as instruction, personal interviews, Dharma talks and discussion, meditative movement sessions, and personal time.
All are welcome – beginners to experienced practitioners.
$480 include three vegertarian meals per day (catered Taiwanese style) along with your lodging. The fee does not include a donation to support the teacher.
Payment is required to register. Full payment is due by December 7, 2012. Please register early, as this will be a smaller, intimate retreat with limited space.
To register or for any questions please email: Michael Chu, or call 949-559-5419.
George – the graphics you use are so awesome! Where do you find such amazing stuff? THANKS so much for doing such a great job with this.